alexandra bracken

Passenger - REVIEW

By Alexandra Bracken This book has a nice mixture of mystery, romance and time travel. All of the characters were interesting and well written. Etta is strong, intelligent and courageous despite all the obstacles she has to overcome. She is thrust into time travel without any training or knowledge that she even has the ability to time travel and forced to go on...

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book review

Mistborn - REVIEW

By Brandon Sanderson This book kept me up until almost 5 am because I just had to finish it. Not only was it unique, it kept me guessing right up until the very end, which so few books have done, and the characters were phenomenal.   A thousand years ago the hero that was prophesied to save the world, failed. The Lord Ruler...

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amy engel

The Revolution of Ivy - REVIEW

By Amy Engel This picks up right where The Book of Ivy left us after that horrible cliffhanger! In the first half of the book Ivy is struggling to survive after being put out beyond the walls of Westfall without any knowledge of how to fend for herself. After struggling for a week on her own she is found and taken in by...

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2016 Reading Challenge

2016 Reading Challenge
Lost has read 3 books toward her goal of 25 books.

